EASD Scientific Integrity Panel (SIP)
EASD takes seriously its responsibility to help protect scientific integrity and will refer all allegations of possible misconduct to the EASD Scientific Integrity Panel (SIP).
Such allegations of possible misconduct may relate to issues of plagiarism or breach of confidentiality for EFSD, or ethical concerns with EASD abstracts. The Panel will review the evidence in the strictest confidence and may ask the EASD office to assist in providing documentation under the same terms of confidentiality. The EASD office will not be involved in any other way.
- The composition of the SIP will not be made known publicly.
- This Panel considers all concerns/cases of possible scientific misconduct involving any EASD or EFSD activity.
- The work is mostly for the EASD Journal Diabetologia and the obvious and increasingly frequent concerns with western blots etc. that are typically reported by whistle blowers on i.e. PubPeer.
- On occasion, the SIP deals with issues of plagiarism or breach of confidentiality for EFSD, or ethical concerns with EASD abstracts.
- As with all EASD positions, the work of the SIP members is voluntary, there is no remuneration or compensation.