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Claude Bernard Prize

The Claude Bernard Prize recognises an individual's innovative leadership and lifetime achievements in diabetes research.

To be eligible for nomination:

  • Candidates must be an EASD member
  • Candidates can be from any country
  • There are no age restrictions

The awardee will receive a monetary prize generously sponsored by Sanofi and will deliver a Lecture during the EASD Annual Meeting in the year of the award describing the awardee’s most important scientific achievements.

Nominations for the Claude Bernard Prize 2025

We invite you to nominate your candidate for the EASD Claude Bernard Prize 2025 - Give a valued colleague the recognition they deserve for innovative leadership and lifetime achievements in diabetes research.

Nominations should be made on the available nomination form, and sent as one complete PDF to, containing:

  • One Letter of Recommendation of not more than 1,000 words signed by up to three nominators. Additional letters will be disregarded.
  • Curriculum vitae of the nominee including a list (without reprints) of ten publications considered to reflect the nominee's most important contributions to the diabetes field, including a short description how the publication contributes to the understanding or treatment of diabetes.

Nomination Form

The nomination deadline is 15 February 2025.

Learn more about the 2024 Claude Bernard Prize awardee:

Roy Taylor, United Kingdom
Lecture: The aetiology of type 2 diabetes: an experimental medicine odyssey

Awardee Portrait

Awardee Interview

Claude Bernard Awardees:

2024 Madrid
R. Taylor (UK): The aetiology of type 2 diabetes: an experimental medicine odyssey

2023 Hamburg
Å. Lernmark (SE): Dissecting etiologies of autoimmune type 1 diabetes

2022 Stockholm
M.A. Nauck (DE): An updated incretin concept for tomorrow

2021 Virtual Meeting
J.R. Zierath (SE): Sending the right signals: How exercise keeps the rhythm in metabolism

2020 Virtual Meeting
T. Kadowaki (JP): What is type 2 diabetes? A long journey to seek the truth

2019 Barcelona
S.E. Kahn (US): Unravelling beta cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes: from the unpredicted to the unknown

2018 Berlin
J. Tuomilehto (KW): Prevention of type 2 diabetes: a dream that came true

2017 Lisbon
B. Thorens (CH): A glucose-centric view on diabetes pathogenesis: from islet biology to integrated physiology and precision medicine

2016 Munich
M.E. Cooper (AU): Uncomplicating diabetes: interactions between metabolic and haemodynamic signalling pathways in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications

2015 Stockholm
H.-U. Häring (DE): Understanding phenotypes of prediabetes: essential to influencing progression to type 2 diabetes

2014 Vienna
D. Accili (US): The new biology of diabetes

2013 Barcelona
M. Laakso (FI): From one family to 10,000 men: genes meet phenotypes in diabetes

2012 Berlin
D. Drucker (CA): Understanding incretin hormone action and the treatment of diabetes

2011 Lisbon
E. Ferrannini (IT): Diabetes: brief history of a conspiracy

2010 Stockholm
M. Kasuga (JP): Unravelling the insulin signalling network to understand and treat diabetes

2009 Vienna
O. Pedersen (DK): From cost-effective whole-patient diabetes care to diminish vascular morbidity and mortality - towards the potentials of biomarker-promoted metabolic health

2008 Rome
R.A. deFronzo (US): Insulin resistance, lipotoxicity, and ASCVD: the missing link

2007 Amsterdam
E. Van Obberghen (FR): Diabetes and its complications: insulin action in trouble

2006 Copenhagen
L. Groop (SE): The genetic complexity of type 2 diabetes - from nightmare to sunrise

2005 Athens
J.J. Holst (DK): Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus based on incretin action: status and perspectives

2004 Munich
C.R. Kahn (US): The brain and tissue communication in the pathogenesis of diabetes: Claude Bernard revisited

2003 Paris
M. Brownlee (US): Biochemistry and molecular cell biology of diabetic complications

2002 Budapest
M.-R. Taskinen (FI): Diabetic dyslipidaemia: From research to practice

2001 Glasgow
P.E. Cryer (US): Hypoglycaemia: The limiting factor in the management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes

2000 Jerusalem
W. Malaisse (BE): On the track to the beta cell

1999 Brussels
J.-P. Assal (CH): From bio-medicine to patient needs: Which cybernetic challenges in diabetes therapy? Some unanswered questions

1998 Barcelona
C. Wollheim (CH): Mitochondria and and beta-cell function: A new culprit in type 2 diabetes

1997 Helsinki
C.E. Morgensen (DK): Microalbuminuria and diabetic renal disease. Origin and development of ideas

1996 Vienna
J.D. Ward (UK): The tragedy and challenge of diabetic neuropathy

1995 Stockholm
M. Berger (DE): To bridge science and patient care in diabetes

1994 Düsseldorf
G. Reaven (US): The fourth Musketeer - from Alexandre Dumas to Claude Bernard

1993 Istanbul
D. Andreani (IT): The labyrinth of diabetic vascular disease: Crossroads and ways out

1992 Prague
P.H. Bennett(US): Epidemiology, pathogenesis and genetics of NIDDM: From Claude Bernard to the Pima Indians

1991 Dublin
E. Shafrir (IL): Understanding of diabetes through studies of its aetiopathology in animals

1990 Copenhagen
K.G. Alberti (UK): Insulin resistance: mechanisms, measurement and meaning

1989 Lisbon
G. Tchobroutsky (FR): Blood sugar levels in diabetics and non-diabetics

1988 Paris
T. Deckert (DK): Albuminuria reflects widespread vascular damage

1987 Leipzig
H. Keen (UK): The bad companions

1986 Rome
W.K. Waldhäusl (AT): The physiological basis of insulin treatment: Clinical aspects

1985 Madrid
E.F. Pfeiffer (DE): On the way to automated control of blood sugar in diabetes: The dark past, the grey present and the rosy future

1984 London
P.J. Lefébvre (BE): From plant physiology to human metabolic investigations

1983 Oslo
C. Hellerström (SE): The life story of a beta cell

1982 Budapest
J. Mirouze (FR): Insulin treatment: A non-stop revolution

1981 Amsterdam
G.R. Meyer-Schwickerath (DE): Doseology of photocoagulation in diabetic retinopathy

1980 Athens
R.H. Unger (US): The milieu interieur and the islets of Langerhans

1979 Vienna
D.A. Pyke (UK): Diabetes: The genetic connections

1978 Zagreb
W. Creutzfeldt (DE): The incretin concept today (with special reference to GIP)

1977 Geneva
D.L. Coleman (US): Diabetes syndromes in mice

1976 Helsinki
H.G. Hers (BE): The homeostatic and hormonal control of the level of glycaemia by the liver

1975 Munich
R.G. Spiro (US): Search for a biochemical basis of diabetic microangiopathy

1974 Jerusalem
T.R. Fraser (UK): Insulin's calcium releasing action

1973 Brussels
A.E. Renold (CH): Experimental and spontaneous diabetic syndromes in animals (a re-evaluation of their usefulness for approaching the physio-pathology of diabetes in man)

1972 Madrid
K. Lundbaek (DK): Diabetic angiopathy

1971 Southampton
M. Dérot (FR): Progrès dans l'investigation et le traitement des acidocétoses diabétiques sévères

1970 Warsaw
E.W. Sutherland (US): The regulatory role of cyclic AMP

1969 Montpellier
C. de Duve (BE): Lysosomes, cellular pathology and diabetes