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Diabetes Global Impact Prize

The EASD Diabetes Global Impact Prize recognises individuals with outstanding contributions in clinical/translational research on diabetes that have had a 'global impact'.

Such an impact could be evaluated by considering the ability of such research to inspire or shape clinical guidelines and recommendations, diagnostic approaches or procedures, and models of care, also in relation with regional contexts worldwide, with the ultimate achievement of improving the life of people with diabetes.

To be eligible for nomination:

  • Candidates must be an EASD member
  • Candidates may be from any country

The awardee will receive a monetary prize and will deliver a lecture during the EASD Annual Meeting in the year of the award describing the awardee’s most important scientific achievements.

Nominations for the Diabetes Global Impact Prize

We invite you to nominate your candidate for the EASD Diabetes Global Impact Prize 2025 - Give a valued colleague the recognition they deserve for clinical/translational research that have had a 'global impact'.

Nominations should be made on the available nomination form, and sent as one complete PDF to, containing:

  • One Letter of Recommendation of not more than 1,000 words signed by up to three nominators. Additional letters will be disregarded.
  • Curriculum vitae of the nominee including a list (without reprints) of ten publications considered to reflect the nominee's most important contributions to the diabetes field, including a short description how the publication contributes to the understanding or treatment of diabetes with a global impact.

Nomination Form